Monday, September 25, 2023

Ford to Offer Digital License Plates

ford to offer digital license plates

License plates are an ever-present part of our vehicles’ exteriors, but they aren’t always in the best shape and aren’t always visible. Some states have introduced digital license plates as a way to combat poor legibility, and now automakers are jumping on board. Ford and Reviver, a digital license plate manufacturer, have teamed up to install the technology on new vehicles at the dealer.

Reviver’s plates are in use in California, costing drivers several hundred dollars and an annual subscription fee. Ford dealers in states where the plates are approved can install them at the point of sale, or buyers can order the plates online. 

Though they come at an extremely high price, digital license plates have several benefits over their analog counterparts. Vehicle owners can renew their registrations online or set up automatic payments to avoid expired plates. Some of the plates come with built-in GPS, helping track stolen vehicles, and some offer drivers a small space for a personalized message.

Beyond the cost, another downside is that the Reviver plates are only for use on the back of vehicles, so drivers in states that require front plates will still be rocking the old-school numbers up front. 

Digital plates will likely become more popular as states look for ways to reduce clerical costs and improve road safety. Some have already mandated changes to more legible license plate types, especially in places that get bad weather, as the old-school plates can chip and fade over time. 

[Image: Reviver]

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