Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Elon Musk Sued for Spreading Conspiracy Theories on Twitter/X

elon musk sued for spreading conspiracy theories on twitter x

Elon Musk’s Twitter – umm, X – finger has led him into quite a bit of controversy over the years, including some that ended in the courtroom. Earlier this year, Musk echoed claims that a California college student was involved in a public confrontation between two neo-Nazi groups in Oregon. That turned out not to be true, but the Tesla CEO tweeted about it anyway, and the victim at the center of the hoax is now suing.

Ben Brody, a 22-year-old college student, became the focus of a conspiracy theory, as several accounts outed him as being present at a brawl between two groups in Oregon in June. Musk waded into the mess, claiming Brody’s participation was proof of a false flag operation. 

Around the same time as the conspiracy theories, Musk was also tweeting links to a right-wing site that Alex Jones often used as the basis for his awful Sandy Hook conspiracies. Among other things, Jones claimed that the Sandy Hook shooting wasn’t real, stating that the parents were crisis actors. 

Brody’s suing over the claims, and they’ve retained the services of attorney Mark Bankston, the same guy that won a $49 million settlement for Sandy Hook families, which later ballooned to $1.5 billion in a separate trial. The lawsuit claims that Brody is still dealing with the consequences of the rumors, and his attorney said he’s worried that the situation will interfere with his ability to pursue his goal of working in government. 

[Image: Sergei Elagin via Shutterstock]

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from TheTruthAboutCars https://www.thetruthaboutcars.com/cars/news-blog/elon-musk-sued-for-spreading-conspiracy-theories-on-twitter-x-44503090?utm_medium=auto&utm_source=rss&utm_campaign=all_full

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