Thursday, September 21, 2023

QOTD: How's Your City Driving?

qotd how s your city driving

Two days ago we wrote about a study that tried to ascertain which cities had the best -- and worst -- drivers.

We also, of course, called out all the caveats involved.

The natural question is, how are the drivers where you live?

In my city, Chicago, it's a mixed bag. I see people driving too slow or too fast every day, people taking too long to make a right turn, people cutting others off...pretty much every aspect of bad driving.

Yet I've been in scarier places. Nashville and suburban Baltimore seem to feature the worst drivers I've seen, and L.A. is rough, too. NYC drivers are aggressive and selfish, though not necessarily bad.

On the other hand, I've seen good behavior in rural Michigan and rural central Tennessee.

Go ahead and sound off below.

[Image: David Tadevosian/]

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