Friday, September 29, 2023

Long Live the Wienermobile: Oscar Mayer Ditching Frankmobile Name

long live the wienermobile oscar mayer ditching frankmobile name

Change is inevitable and can be a great thing for business growth. Even so, making significant changes without considering their impact can break more than it fixes, which is how Oscar Mayer ended up where it is today. The iconic wiener brand recently – as in, just four months ago – announced that it was changing the name of its most recognizable marketing tool but is now rolling that decision back. 

Back in May, Oscar Mayer announced that the Wienermobile name, which it had used since the mid-1930s, was changing to Frankmobile. The internet accepted the news with zero complaints, and no one had anything negative to say at all. Except, that wasn’t what happened. The blowback was immediate and fierce, and just four months later, Oscar Mayer’s walking back that decision, saying on social media, “It’s been a franktastic summer! But like you, we missed this BUNderful icon. Help us welcome back the Wienermobile!”

The Wienermobile has seen several revisions over the years, but its basic look has been around for decades. In the late 1970s, Oscar Mayer retired its fleet from service but brought the vehicles back a decade later after seeing the public’s extreme excitement. The company built a new fleet of six 23-foot-long fiberglass Wienermobiles in the late 1980s, which toured the United States and part of Europe and Asia. 

[Image: Aaron of L.A. Photography via Shutterstock]

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